
Please contact one of our member societies to apply for, or to recommend a student for one of our scholarships.



The PSAAPG scholarship program was created in the Spring of 2013 to help provide financial support for geoscience students pursuing a geoscience degree, and to foster closer ties between the PSAAPG and it’s Affiliated Societies and Student Chapters. The program currently allocates $4000 per year to each affiliated society, who in turn use these funds as a part of their scholarship programs.

The program is funded by PSAAPG through an unrestricted donation to the Pacific Section AAPG Foundation.

To obtain funds, societies apply directly to the Pacific Section AAPG Foundation, a 501c(3) corporation which administers the program.

Societies generally work with nearby universities to select recipients, but students wishing to apply for a scholarship can contact the nearest affiliated society and/or check their websites for application information. Students are eligible if they are working towards bachelors or advanced degrees in geoscience and belong to an AAPG student chapter*, or participate in the AAPG Imperial Barrel Award (IBA). Note that requirements for the PSAAPG funded scholarships may vary from scholarship programs listed on society websites.

*The PSAAPG Secretary  ([email protected]) can assist geoscience departments with setting up a student chapter.

Funding for the Scholarship Program comes from convention proceeds, supplemented with corporate and personal donations. Donations can be made by printing the dues/donation form and mailing the form, along with a check, to the PSAAPG Foundation.

Pacific Section AAPG
P.O. Box 1072
CA 93302